Come back!
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A play about a girl looking for her grandmother, not remembering that she is dead.
- Språk: norsk (bokmål)
- Skrevet: 2009
- Målgruppe: Barn
Skrevet av
Sweetheart, she said. Grandma is dead. She was old, it's better this way.
That's when the quiet got quieter, and everything moved really slowly. The whole world looked different. A dog barked, and I thought that was a really mean thing to do. And it was sunny! Birds were singing, and far away I could hear a fire truck. Ba-boo-ba-boo-ba-boo. But it wasn't a nice day. It should actually have been raining!
- Uroppført: 2009
- Produsent: Barske Glæder Produksjoner v/Janne Langaas
I rollene:
Janne Langaas
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