

How far would you go for the music you love?

  • Språk: engelsk
  • Skrevet: 2016
  • Målgruppe: Voksne

Skrevet av


Blackhearts takes a fresh look at the notorious Norwegian black metal music scene - but from a striking new angle. It travels to South America, Europe and the Middle East to follow three black metal die hards who hail from extreme religious and political backgrounds. Hector, Kaiadas and Sina are willing to risk alienation, imprisonment - even death - to play black metal and live by its ideology. They worship the Norwegian black metal music they have modeled their lives around. Blackhearts takes its audience deep into the minds, hearts and private lives of its characters. It explores how a music scene develops across religious, cultural and political lines - and provides comic relief on the things humans say, think and do when hijacked by passion.


  • Uroppført: 2016
  • Produsent: Christian Falch


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