Karl Hoff

1983 Karl Trine og Anette i Perleportens Det siste skrik

Karl Hoff

Karl Hoff - født 1952 i Oslo. Bosatt i Indre Østfold i Ørje i Marker kommune. Fra 1975 aktiv som dramatiker, forfatter, kulturarbeider. Fra 1975-1984 medlem/leder av Perleporten Teatergruppe; en av Norges første frie teaterkompanier. Han har skrevet for scene, radio, revy, film og fjernsyn. Mellom 1992-2009 initiert og drevet tverr-kulturelle samarbeidsprosjekter innen dramatikk og teater med kolleger i Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Malawi og i England. Han har vært aktiv i arbeidet for å skaffe støtte og stipend til dramatikere fra afrikanske og mange andre land verden rundt. Mellom 1994-2001 var han leder av NDF’s Eritrea-Gruppe. Helt siden Eritrea i september 2001 ble et åpent diktatur, da president Afwerki fengslet all opposisjon, har Karl bidratt i kampen for å få satt sin eritreisk-svenske kollega Dawit Isaak fri. Et fortsatt i 2021 pågående arbeid. Karls teatertekst “Jeg er din bror” er dedisert til Dawit og kampen for frihet, lov og rett og demokrati. KARL HOFF, born 1952 in Oslo, now living in the village Örje in South-East Norway; has since 1975 worked as playwright, writer, culture-worker. From 1975 to 1984 a leading member of the independent PERLEPORTEN TEATERGRUPPE (The Pearly Gates Theatre Group) where he worked as actor, playwright and administrator. "We were young freedom-orientated socialists who, with our performances and happenings, created an expression for the stage which can be described as a sensitive poetic and socially engaged theatre." he explains. He has written and co-written more than 20 works for stage, radio, cabaret, film and television. Since 1992 he has been active as initiator and leader of numerous cross-cultural projects within theatre and playwright´s work in Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Malawi and England. He has been committed to work for obtaining support and grants for numerous playwrights in African as well as in other countries. Between 1994-2001 he was the leader of The Eritrea-Group of The Norwegiab Writers’ Guild. Since september 2001 when Eritrea’s president Afwerki turned his country into a dictatorship and had all opposition thrown in jail, or killed, Karl has been active in the still (2021) on-going struggle to have his Eritrean-Swedish colleague Dawit Isaak set free. Karl’s theatre-text “I am your brother” is dedicated to Dawit and the struggle for freedom and democracy.


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