Kate Pendry

K PENDRY BA Theatre conversion 2019

Kate Pendry

Actor and dramatist.

Since arriving in Norway Pendry has written and produced over fifty pieces for the theatre, many of which have been performed in Europe. She has a reputation as a political and controversial artist because of the red thread of social commentary in the work, and her signature use of dark humor. Her play Pornography was nominated for the Ibsen Prize 2009, and her dark drama for teens Erasmus Tyrannus Rex won the Ibsen Prize in 2010. She was a presenter for feminist radio station Radio Orakel in Oslo for 12 years until 2013 was a writer in residence at the Norwegian Centre For New Playwriting in Oslo 2012\-2014. A comperehensive biography of her life and work by Marie Laland Ekeli \- Demonologi: Kate Pendrys liv og verk \- was published in 2017 by Transit Forlag.


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